
Archive for June 8, 2010

Are Canadian banks gouging consumers & businesses?

June 8, 2010 3 comments

For the last decade, the spread between Bank Rate (top end of the Bank of Canada operating band) and the Prime Rate (the rate banks charge their best customers and the rate used as benchmark for almost all loans except fixed rate mortgage) has been about 150 basis points (bp) or 1.5% but since Dec 2008, the spread has increased to 175 bp or 1.75% – see chart below. Prime Rate affects almost all business loans, line of credit (personal, secured, HELOC, etc) and variable rate mortgages.

10 yr Spread_between_prime_rate_&_bank_rate

Source: Bank of Canada

What determines this spread and why is it still at decade highs when the Big Five Canadian banks have hit record profits in Q1/Q2 2010?